Jesse Cotton | San Diego, CA | |

Application Development: Strings

Client: Bitlancer
Role: Lead developer and architect
Technologies: OpenStack (Rackspace), Linux, Apache, PHP-FPM, MySQL, LDAP, PDNS, Puppet, Hiera, Puppet-Librarian, PHP, Python, Ruby, CakePHP, Slim

Bitlancer Strings is an open source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). “Strings is primarily a point-and-click control panel targeted towards those searching for easy infrastructure management out-of-box for Rackspace Cloud and OpenStack. It manages the entire life cycle of infrastructure, including creation, Puppetization, code deployment, ongoing maintenance, and deprovisioning.” Strings compares to services like RightScale and Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk service with enhancements like central authentication and authorization, and key management.